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Finger Directional Post

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The finger post is a well proven means of giving clear directions to pedestrians.

The styles available are suitable for all locations. Type 701 is fully cast, others feature a cast/steel base with a steel column.
All posts support fingers of varying sizes and a choice of finials. Power access doors and flanged bases are optional.
Within a scheme it is often desirable to make all columns the same height. To achieve this, spacer rings are available so that dimension ‘A’ may remain constant regardless of the number or size of fingers chosen.
We can also provide half boss interlocking fingers to reduce the overall height. However, this option should only be used when absolutely necessary because of reduced strength

Cast aluminium fingers are in three sizes to take one, two or three lines of text. Any combination may be used together. Our sales staff can help decide the required finger based on length and number of words/symbols etc. Finger arms can be manufactured with split bosses to facilitate clamping to existing posts of most types.





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